
Reading me on Savage Minds


I’m not going to be mirroring all my Savage Minds posts here, but if you are a friend or fan of mine and for some reason only wish to read those Savage Minds posts written by me, you can visit my author archive page. I discourage this, because the other Savage Minds authors are well worth reading, but I know that some of you may be suffering from information overload and still wish to keep up with what I’ve been writing. There is also an RSS feed just for my posts at Savage Minds. (Or any of the other authors — just change the name.)

Today I wrote about buying books online, and about CIA scholarships.

But if you only read my posts, you’ll miss other important news, like Alex’s post on the passing of Paul Ricoeur.

I’m off to Taiwan at 4 AM! I’ll be blogging about my trip here on Keywords, so stay tuned.

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