

Info Tech

Do any of my readers have a Writely account? I very much need an invitation for a project I am working on regarding using online tools for teaching.

For those who don’t know, Google is rapidly moving in on Micorosft’s territory. I’m already quite impressed with Google Spreadsheet, a collaborative online Excel alternative, and they recently bought Writely which is the same for Word. But these tools are only a small part of a larger change in the relationship between personal computing and the web. For instance, there are now even tools that let you edit videos online!

I plan to explore using these tools in my teaching, but right now Writely accounts are invitation only … so if you have one please let me know.

Thanks! (I’ll update the post when I’ve got the invitation.)

UPDATE: That was fast! Thanks Indy!

If any one comes here asking for an invite, I’ll be much more likely to give it to you if you donate to the Savage Minds Bloggers Challenge!

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