“President Bush, backed by most other politicians and the mass media, is using the tragedy of September 11, 2001, to justify an endless”war against terrorism.” In Afghanistan, predictably, this resulted in what a sanitized military jargon calls “collateral damage.” In human terms it is thousands of civilian lives lost. And Afghanistan is only the first stop in Bush’s global campaign. U.S. troops are already active in Colombia, the Philippines, and elsewhere. U.S. aid abets Israel’s war against the Palestinian people in disregard of international law, UN resolutions, and basic human rights. Iraq is the next major target.
Dissent against this war is not terrorism. It is not unpatriotic. On the contrary, dissent is essential to the tradition of democratic struggle which has a long and honored place in the political life of this country. Today it is the most humanitarian act that any U.S. resident can undertake. Join us from September 6-11 for the following calendar of events, to remember the victims of September 11 and others around the globe, to call for peace, for global justice, for grassroots democracy, to protest against war and the erosion of democratic freedoms and civil liberties at home, and to reaffirm our humanity. Calendar of decentralized local, constituency, and politically focused events around NYC so everyone can plug into the event(s) of their choice. Distribute this Call for these events. Sunday, September 8 – We are planning a mass public demonstration and rally for world peace through global justice.<br /> <br /> Before 2pm: Local, neighborhood activities<br /> <br /> 2pm: Converge on Times Square, Speakers, 42nd Street and Broadway<br /> <br /> 3pm: March to Union Square, 14th Street and 4th Avenue<br /> <br /> 5pm: Rally at Union Square, Speakers, Musicians Tuesday Evening, September 10 to Wednesday Morning September 11 – We are calling for an all night vigil to remember the dead around the world and call for alternatives to war.<br /> <br /> 5pm: Gather in Cadman Plaza Park, Brooklyn (any train to Borough Hall/Court Street stop, park is in front of City Hall with fountain)<br /> <br /> 6pm: Walk over the Brooklyn Bridge to join the all-night vigil in Washington Square Park<br /> <br /> 7pm to Weds. morning Sept. 11th: Vigil for Peaceful Tomorrows in Washington Square Park, W. 4th Street There are many more events on and around September Eleventh. Click "Upcoming Events" button to see.”