

Law, The Economy

Escape Cell Hell — And Take Your Phone Number With You!

Dropped calls. Dead zones. Poor service in general. If you’re like many cell phone users, these problems have led you to consider switching carriers. But of course, if you change carriers you would have to change your phone number too.

<b>That&#8217;s about to change</b>. On November 24, after four years of industry delay, cell phone carriers will be required to let you take your phone number with you when you switch carriers. It&#8217;s called number portability and it&#8217;s a big deal because consumers will likely see lower prices and better service as companies try harder to attract &#8211; or keep &#8211; business.

<b>But there is a catch</b> &#8212; some cell phone carriers may simply ignore the new requirement and members of Congress are even thinking of helping them thwart this pro-competition, pro-consumer policy. Worse, at the same time they are trying to stop number portability, most cell phone companies are busy collecting hundreds of millions of dollars in number portability fees on cell phone bills.

<a href="" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'outbound-article', '', 'ACT NOW &#8211; use the letter below to tell Congress that you want to take your number with you if you switch cell phone carriers.']);" ><b>ACT NOW</b> &#8211; use the letter below to tell Congress that you want to take your number with you if you switch cell phone carriers.</a </blockquote> 

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