

Info Tech, Politics

I haven’t been blogging about Sinclair since so many other people have been doing it better. But I think it is exciting to report that the blogsphere has had a big impact already:

Sinclair Broadcast, as you may have heard, is planning to air an anti-Kerry movie on prime time just before the election, passing it off as news”. However, a boycott campaign — — has been put together and publicized online by bloggers and indy news sites over the past ten days; most significantly, the Kerry campaign has learned some lessons from Dean and leveraged their blog to push the boycott. As of today, claims that eighty companies have pulled their ad money from Sinclair; also, as AlterNet reports, Sinclair stock dropped 10 percent over the past week, closing on Friday at an all-time low of $7.04 — a $60 million loss in value.” A vivid example of how the net is changing politics–when was the last time you saw a boycott that strong happen in ten days?
